
2016 May 18

Get to Know The Label

2023-12-12T09:55:57-06:00May 18, 2016|Lifestyle, Nutrition|

 All non-prescription, over-the-counter (OTC) medicine labels have usage and warning information so consumers can properly choose and use the products. The label contains the following information: ■ Active ingredients: The therapeutic substance and the amount of active ingredient per unit ■ Uses: Symptoms or diseases the product will treat or prevent ■ Warnings: When not to use the product, conditions [...]

2016 Apr 12

7 Screening Tests for Women

2023-12-12T09:55:59-06:00April 12, 2016|Cancer, Heart Health, Lifestyle, Women's Health|

May is the month when many women celebrate Mother’s Day. Maybe breakfast in bed, homemade cards, extra hugs….? It’s pretty wonderful to feel so cared for. But how well do you take care of yourself—whether or not you’re a mother?             One big piece of self-care involves regular screening tests, which can prevent many health problems—or help you nip them in [...]

2015 Oct 8

Get the Facts on E-Cigarettes

2023-12-12T09:56:24-06:00October 8, 2015|Cancer, Heart Health, Lifestyle|

Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, are nicotine-delivery devices. They are battery operated, but are designed to look and feel like a cigarette. The nicotine in them is derived from tobacco plants. The potential user is led to believe that e-cigarettes are a healthier alternative to smoking cigarettes and can be used to help stop smoking. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration [...]

2015 Aug 19

More Options for Cholesterol Control

2023-12-12T09:56:27-06:00August 19, 2015|Diabetes, Exercise, Heart Health, Lifestyle, Nutrition|

There’s more than one way to tackle the risk of high cholesterol. That’s a type of fat that can clog up your arteries and block blood flow.1 Check it out. Without being tested, though, you can’t be certain about your risk. Yes, you might be in good company being in the dark: For example, nearly half of Hispanics in the U.S. [...]

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